Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day #45

Jennifer was pretty tired yesterday after the physical therapist worked with her yesterday. She slept a lot today.

Mom had been praying about finding ways to stimulate Jennifer's brain. A speech therapist came in to see Jennifer today. She gave mom some ideas on what to do to help stimulate Jennifer's brain! She suggested using smells such as the peppermint lotion I used when I gave Jen a pedicure on Sat. She put an alcohol wipe under Jennifer's nose. She didn't get an instant response, but did get one after a few seconds. She then began working on teaching Jennifer to swallow again. She used a small drop of grape juice. They use darker liquids so they can trace where it goes to make sure it's going to the right place instead of to her lungs. David didn't think she'd swallow the grape juice because he said she doesn't like grape juice, but she did! She swallowed it after the therapist worked with her a little, rubbing her throat. While rubbing Jennifer's throat, she felt Jennifer swallow it. The dr told David they could do this using Pepsi since that's what Jennifer likes to drink. David said Jennifer's probably dying for a Pepsi by now! The speech therapist also said to always make sure Jennifer's looking at us when we're talking to her, even it means having to physically turn Jennifer's head for her. She also said to speak loudly when talking to her. She said looking at someone when they're talking is something Jennifer will need to learn again.

After the speech therapist left, another dr came in later. He got a reaction from Jennifer on one of her feet & a reaction when he did something to the inside of her elbow. He then told mom he was going to check into what medications Jennifer was on & would see about prescribing something to help stimulate her brain!

It seems mom's prayers for help in stimulating Jennifer's brain were answered today!

I have posted some new pictures of Kacyn. He's getting so big!

Jennifer is slowly progressing. Please pray for this to continue as well as head to toe healing including the infection. Prayers are still needed for Kacyn's continued improvement. His bottle feeding is getting better & he may be going home later this week! David is physically doing well, please pray for this to continue as well as emotional & spiritual strength for him, my mom, & the rest of the family.



College Mom said...

Thanks for the update. You are so wonderful for doing this.

God bless,
Terri Johnson/College Mom

Anonymous said...

I am still praying and standing with you guys regarding Jennifer's healing! Complete healing!