Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day #62

Jennifer started having problems with her breathing last night due to swelling where the trach was. A dr at the rehab hospital tried to put a trach back in, but couldn't get it in because of the swelling. The rehab hospital isn't equipped to handle these situations so they had to call 911. The ambulance took Jennifer back to the hospital. She spent 5+ hours in the emergency room before finally being admitted back into the ICU.

As of this morning, her breathing is better, but she still has swelling.

It's very difficult not to wonder why Jennifer is having to go through this & suffer the way she has. Why does she keep taking steps backwards? I know we can't & shouldn't worry about the "why" but sometimes it's hard not to. She's been through so much. It's so difficult to see her go through this. She deserves to be home, enjoying her beautiful babies. They deserve to have their mommy. I know this will happen one day, but I'm a little impatient. I want her home with her babies today! I know God's timing is different than mine though so I shouldn't be impatient. She's in the same hospital as before, but in a different ICU with different doctors. Maybe the purpose of this is to have different doctors look at her & work with her. Maybe there's something the other doctors didn't find or think of doing & this is God's way of getting them to take another look at everything.

Please pray for Jennifer's breathing to get better & for the drs to find what's causing the problems. Please pray for her broken bones & brain to heal. Pray for the blood clots to clear & for the strength to continue to fight. I know she's a fighter! I grew up with her! Please keep David & the rest of family in your prayers also.



Unknown said...

Oh Honey, of COURSE you are frustrated, why wouldn't you be?? This is a tough one, you are right, God's timing is perfect, and she is right where she needs to be, maybe one of these Doctor's needs to be saved???? or a nurse?? God is using Jennifer, Lynn, I wish I could trhow my arms around you and comfort you...But I am asking God to hold you tonite and give you peace, to KNOW He is in give you rest..warm loving hugs from vermont..Mona

Anonymous said...

(((Lynn))) We are praying for you, too, here in Kentucky.


Praying and loving you all! hugs, Robin, Em & Bek