Sunday, December 21, 2008

David's Second Comment

Do you ever get to that point in your life where you cant go on any longer with the way things are in your life. Where everything seems to weight on you, the simplest things make you upset. You feel like Satan is attacking your every move. It seems like you cant go one more step with out Gods help! That's where I am. As crazy as this may sound, that is the best point to be in your life. When you finally reach that place, that is when God can finally step in and do his work. I have always thought I had a real relationship with God but sometimes to get to the place where totally rely on God you have to be put in a place where he is the only one to fall back on. I have been ask for God to give me a desire to serve him the way he would want me to serve him. I never prayed not to have to go through a trial to get to that point. I'm not blaming God for all of this but he does allow us to go through trials in our lives so we will grow and learn how to totally rely on him. I have never in my life been as close to God as I am now. That's the way it is supposed to work, grow closer everyday. To grow closer to him everyday you have to have a relationship with him and talk to him everyday. God has shown me today that this is what it would be like with out him in my life. As close as i am to Jennifer and as much as I miss her I need to have even more of those type feelings toward God. He is the true bridegroom, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be married to her. Some of you may not understand this but we have love God even more than our spouses. He is the ultimate reason we are on this earth, not for our spouses or even to be with our spouses. Some may say that i dont have any place to talk about a marrage because we have only been married for 3 1/2 years but I promise you marrages like ours are in the minority. We have such a wonderful marage because we have put God first and we also know what happens when you dont put God before your spouses. Maybe we are going through all of this for me to learn all of what I'm learning or maybe so I would type this for other people to read and be ministered to I dont know. What I do know is that I pray everyday that we are learning every thing we are supposed to learn in all of this because if not, what is the point in us going through trials? I love Jennifer more that anyone or thing on the face of this planet but I love God more. She has always told me from the very beggining that she loved God more than me and that I would have to get to that point if I were to be with her. I have always thought I did love God more than her but it wasnt till this accident when I saw what it was like for her not to be here with me. It has taken me 64 days to relize what it would be like with out God. I know he never leaves or forsakes us but i think at times we take him for granted because he is always there for us and sometimes you have to go through something to see how great he really is and to know how something would have turned out if he wasnt there taking care of you. Now I know what it means to love God more than her and Now i truly do love God more than Jennifer. Im sorry if this seems as if I am jumping around for those of you that know me I am new to stating somthing wise and profound. I am also just typing everthing as God brings it to my attention.

I was at church this morning and while I was watching the Christmas cantata I started crying because Jennifer should be experiencing all of the christmas stuff with her family. Not laying in a hospital. I though now who do I have to blame...... Immediatly satan came to mind. Every bit of this is satan attacking my family, from the brain damage to the breathing problems all the way to Josiah dumping bucketfuls of water on the floor out of the bath tub. Its all satan attacking us trying to see how far he can push us to see if we are going to crack. I have to say he had me pretty close tonight. This is my way of getting back at satan. IM ANGRY ITS TIME HE TAKES HIS HANDS OFF OF MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! I go to that hospital everyday expecting to see Jennifer sitting up in bed and have the biggest smile on her face as soon as I walk through that door and every day I go in and see her kind of starring off into the corner and i say praise God we have made it another day! Its time NOW and tonight that he let go and let God do his work and we have her home by christmas. I dont just mean home I mean Healthy, Whole, Well and Home we arent going to accept a partial healing, satan came to steal my families lives and he has lost and the word says God will restore what satan has tryed to steal 30 60 and 100 fold. To me that means we will be stronger physicaly spritualy emotionaly and in every area of our lives. And I claim that tonight I am using evryone that reads this to be my wittness and to hold me accountable for everything I say and that we will stand up as family against satan and his kingdom and knock it down as much as we can before we die or the Lord returns.

Well this is what God has layed on my heart. I feel much better, somtimes when you get angry you have to yell to feel better and I feel like telling everyone all of this is God's way of using me to start tearing down Satan's kingdom. To Lynn I'm sorry I didnt tell you I was posting this and that I used your password but it was to late to call you and if I didnt do it right then satan would find a way to distract me and it wouldnt get done. Thank you to every one who reads this blog. We wouldnt be able to get through this with out your prayers and support.

There isnt enough words to say other than THANK YOU to everyone who has helped and prayed and visited and read this blog. We love everyone of you and pray that God blesses you in return for you faithfulness.

There may be someone reading this and might see that they are right where I am at and may wonder how to get to a place to be able to make it through each step. Well first it starts with accepting Christ as your Lord and Saviour and this wouldnt be complete if I didnt give you the opportunity to pray a salvation prayer. So if you belive in your heart that Jesus is lord and pray this prayer and mean it with all your heart you to can be saved and know excatly what i am talking about: Pray This "God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen.

"If you decided to repent of your sins and receive Christ today, welcome to God's family. Now, as a way to grow closer to Him, the Bible tells us to follow up on our commitment.Tell someone about your commitmenat spend time with god every day and get pluged in to a local church.

Well so long for now!
We love all of you!

Love David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can "hear" your heart here, David. I'm praying for you, too.
