Friday, November 21, 2008

Day #35

WOW! How do I follow up a posting like that one?! What a touching story!

After Jennifer's struggles yesterday following the feeding tube surgery, she is back to breathing on her own & back to the way she was before they sedated her again yesterday. She is reacting to at least the same level she was yesterday if not a little more. The dr said again today she is getting better. She is doing well with her new feeding tube. If she continues to do well, they will be moving her to the step down ICU.

Mom said some friends of Jennifer's were visiting today & they read from a prayer book to Jennifer. She said while they were doing so, Jennifer's feet & she lifted her arms up slightly. Her eyes were closed, but mom said they were moving behind her eyelids. She was reacting to & feeling that prayer!

I have mentioned at least once the dreams some have had about Jennifer. I have one more that I would like to share. The father-in-law of a friend of Jennifer's had a dream or a vision of Jennifer. He's never seen or met Jennifer before, but he's been praying for her. He told his daughter-in-law that he saw Jennifer's internal organs & brain & they were healing! There have been so many instances of people having dreams or visions of Jennifer that we have to believe God is showing us he's healing her & all is going to be well with her.

David got a phone call from the NICU staff today. Each year, the NICU sponsors a family at Christmas & helps them with gifts, etc. They contacted David because they've chosen to help David & Jennifer's precious little family this Christmas! When David told me this, it brought tears to my eyes as I had already been thinking about how Christmas would be & how we had to make it a good Christmas for Josiah. This takes care of that worry! David hadn't mentioned Christmas, but I'm sure it had crossed his mind too as to what he was going to do. Prayers answered once again!

Kacyn continues to do very well. He weighs 7 lbs 2 oz now. He may get to go home later next week! He'll still have a heart monitor on so they can monitor his heart rate. He still has problems with acid reflux which is normal for preemies, but when he has reflux his heart rate drops so they want to monitor it.

God is working miracles! Keep praying!

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