Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day #18

Not a lot to report on today, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

They did dialysis on Jennifer again today. They got 5 liters of excess fluid out of her body today! Yesterday it was 3.5 liters. Her kidneys still aren't working, but the drs had told us they didn't know how long it would take. They said it could be days or it could be weeks.

The IVC filter was put in today. That surgery went well. This is a relief as we won't have to worry about blood clots anymore!

Kacyn & David continue to do well also!

We have been amazed at the outpouring of love & support that has been shown. A lot of it has come from strangers! They've heard Jen's story from a "friend of a friend" or online. One lady in OK sent a baby blanket & $20! Another lady is donating a gift basket for Jen & Kacyn. She had a preemie son & created a non-profit organization to assist parents with children in ICU. You can read more about it at http://www.itsnomonkeybusiness.com/. You always hear about bad people on the news. You rarely hear about good people. But we've learned firsthand over the last few weeks there are lots of good people in the world. Thank you to everyone who has shown us support over the past few weeks whether it be through monetary gifts, other gifts, or prayers. It's greatly appreciated!

Jen has friends all over the country & has had visitors at the hospital from OK, AR, MO, & OH. She & her family are on prayer lists across the country from OR to CA to AZ to TX to AR to LA to KY to MO to NE & OH! And these are just the places I'm aware of!

Please keep the prayers going! They are working miracles!


Sara said...

Hi, my name is Sara. I went through IMT with Jenn. We started and finished together :). I live in Omaha, NE, and we (my church and I) have been praying for Jenn since the day of the accident. Thank you so much for doing this blog. Almost everyday someone from church asks me about Jenn. It will be good to have things to report tomorrow as I hadn't heard anything since Saturday. In Christ - Sara

Lori Pierce said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for posting the updates. If you or anyone in your family needs anything, please let me know.

Lori Pierce

melody said...

THanks for all the updates!! I wish we could have stayed longer on Sat. but hopefully, we'll be able to get up there again soon!!! What's an address we can send things to??? Take care!

College Mom said...

Thanks so much for creating this blog. It helps so much. It helps me know what to pray for.

Jennifer, David: I have been in a situaton like this with my husband where I almost lost him. They told me to say my good byes. But God saved his life. God has tooo much work for you to do for him so I know he will do a miracle in your lives. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know that God will make the best come out of this. I pray that everyone will recover wholly and better than before. I pray that the healing will be faster than the Doctors say. I pray for your financial needs as well and your family's needs as they minister to you and are away from home. I am so glad you have such supportive family members. That means a great deal.

We love you,
Terri Johnson and family

Kimberly Jane said...

Good morning. My prayers are with everyone. This family has always been really strong. Know that I am praying everyday and night for all involved to heal and everyone strength to continue. Know I love all of you and am there with you. Hugs and kisses to all. Call me if you need anything. Lots of love. Please kiss the kids for me.
Love Cousin Kim

cwiggins3 said...

This is Carissa. We attended Harbor of Hope..in Ohio with Jenn and Dave. Dave came back last Sunday! WOW! What a powerful day!! We are continuing to pray for them and praising God for the good reports!! =]