Thursday, November 20, 2008

David's Comment

Hey everbody this is David I wanted to leave a post a share with everyone what God has spoke to me over the last 5 weeks.There is a couple of things im going to leave out but if anyone whants to hear the dreams that Jennifer had about our children and the promise God made to us ,you can call me at (479)644-8129 and I will tell you. If I dont answer leave a message and I will call Back. This is very long but I belive this will touch somebody God layed all of this on my heart to tell so here it is.

To start at the begining and I know by now everybody probaly knows what went on and I know Lynn has done a wonderful job updating this blog, but i cant read it. I am livinig this in real life, with that being said I may repeat somethings and others may end up being in my own words it was just easier for me to type this then past all the info to Lynn.

Ok now to start at the begining, the very first thing that comes to my mind was the very moment we were hit I remiember Jennifer saying "oh Jesus help us." When i look back on the accident I reliazed that me and Jen both stayed very calm. The other thing that stood out to me was immediately when the car stopped moveing Jennifer started praying and I started finding out if Josiah and her were ok. Then we both began to pray. Sometimes you can see how close your walk with God is when you look back a see how you react in a very serious situation. How you would react is for you to decide. The very next miracle I then saw was that our two year old wasn't hurt at all and didnt even cry. I would like for anyone to try to convince me that God didnt place his angels around his fragile body. I then reliazed that not only had Jennifer and Kacyn and I had survived the accident but we had minimal injuries for that type of accident. Then my attention was then brought to the fact that I had two cups of coffee and all of the fluid out of the radiator in my lap. I had been driving down the highway for 15 miles so this fluid was very hot before the accident. When it was in my lap though it was very cold. Tell me that wasnt God!!! Another thing I am very thankful for is that the Palmers were there to take Josiah. I tell you what God knows every need in your life at every moment of every day. Had they not been there or if they had been hurt, JoJo probably would have went into foster care till his grandparents got there and then we probably would have had a tough time getting him back.

Im now gonna jump a little forward because i dont remeber a whole lot between the accident secene and when Jen went into the ICU. At 7 30 on the morning of the 29th, (for those of you that dont know that is my birthday) I got the phone call that Jennifer had to be put on the vent and that she coded. When I got the call i immediatealy began to pray. I prayed for about an hour but I never got a peace in my spirit about what I was praying. I then got quiet and I heard God say "give her to me." And I replied with I already have. God then sayed "live or die give her to me and promise you and your boys will praise me no matter what." I said ok Lord I trust you I give her to you no matter what and I will make sure me and my boys praise you forever. I went on to pray this for about 24 hours. Immediadtely when I began praying this I knew she would be ok. The next day I was spending time with God and He then told me to then begin praying and thanking for her healing. So that is what I did. I was then released from the hospital on Friday Oct 31st. That night my mom took me to the hotel and left me there while she went to the store. While I was praying God told me I had to be in service in Ohio on sunday morning. I said God I my wife is laying in a hospital bed and I just had surgery on tuesday, i said why do I need to be in that service. God said to have Tyson Wiggins pray for me. My reply was I have pastor Myers, Ryan Stafford, Terry Palmer, a whole list of former IMT's why do I need Tyson to pray for me. God then said "it is a young and imiture boy who questions his father." God then brought to my attention that JoJo has just started asking why when you tell him to do something. Our respones is always it doesnt matter why because i said so that is why. And if that wasnt enough convincing God then brough to my attention that when i proposed to Jennifer, she told me before I can say yes I have to know that if God calls you anywhere in the world you will be willing to go no matter what the cost or circumsatances. So I went. I am leaving a couple of pieces out because it will make this about ten pages long so when Jennifer GETS UP AND WALKS OUT OF THIS HOSPITAL you will just have to attend a service when we give our amazing testimony. While I was there and Ty was praying for me a guy who never attended Harbor of Hope, was sitting on the back row and God spoke to him and told him to come up and pray for me. He had been in an accident one year to the day of our accident. He suffered from severe back pain and could only sit in a straight back chair. He couldnt reach his toes because his back hurt so bad. Because he was obidient when he turn to walk back to his chair all his pain was gone and he started bending over and touching his toes. Try and tell me God isnt GREAT!!!!!!

Im now gonna skip to monday november 17. I was having a rough day, I was exhusted in every area of my life. I think that was the first time I had broke down at the hospital. That night we were on our way home and i was eating an icecream cone and I hit rock bottom. For those of you that know us well I love icecream and every time i eat it Jennifer tells me I remind her of a little boy and she finds it so cute. I could not eat it I had to through it away. I decided I couldnt go to the hospital on Tuesday I decided I wanted to go to the church and pray. Im skiping again to save on time and reading you will just have to hear the final testimony. While I was there praying I was laying on my face and God told my to get up and walk. I said God the doctor said I was nonwieght bearing for up to 16 week and if I walk on my leg before then I will snap My tibia. (spelling ? I dont know not my best area of life) He said Get Up And Walk. So i got up and started walking with both my crutches and slowly adding more wiehgt to my foot and leg. After walking around for about 15 minutes I dropped my one crutch and started using just my other one. After about 15 more minutes I then dropped my other crutch. When I took my first step with out a crutch I fell flat on my face. I layed there and cryed and told God you said get up and walk. God repyled with you right I said get up and walk. So I got up and walked four or five more steps and fell flat on my face. I layed there and cryed and me and God had the same conversation over again. By this time I was hurting pretty good but I then stood up and began walking again with no crutches. This time I stayed upright, Ikept walking and crying and thanking God. When I finally stoped walking I went to my phone to see what time it was and what felt like 20 minutes worth of walking and praying. Was acctully 3 hours worth of walking in circles with no pain and no crutches. God then showed me a lesson in puting my trust in him in ALL areas of my life. You see I was beliving and praying for Jennifer to be healed and walk away that I never even prayed for my own leg. Or even trusted him to heal me or protect me to walk in faith. So on wednesday I went to the hospital and I saw a huge improvement in Jennifer she was lot more awake and alert and moving her limbs. So prasie God we are now seeing results of our faith and prayers and beliving in what we cant see feel or hear.

Well I have went on long enough and I have left otu probably have of the miracles and thens that God has said and put in our lives over the last 4 and 1/2 weeks. But like I said i would never sllep tonight and this page would be full. So THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for us! Thank You to Lynn for keeping up with this blog because I definatly couldnt do it! Thank You to John and Jenny for keeping JoJo and taking him trick or treating! And THANK YOU to Steve, Jean, Lynn, Darrell, John, Jenny, all the nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles for loving me, accepting me, and giving me Jennifer in marrage. I love her with all my heart and I take care of her to the best of my ability and will continue to take care of her forever. I love you guys very much and I am honored to be a part of your family. Also I hhave to Thank my Mom and Dad! For those of you that dont know my mom has stepped in to be our primary care taker and more importantly Kacyns primary care taker so Thank You mom we love and will never be able to repay you what you deserve.

Well this is what God layed on my heart to tell everyone Im sorry it is so long but God has done alot in the last 5 weeks Thank You and please keep praying for us. WE LOVE EVERYONE OF YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kayla Rupp said...

You don't know me, but my husband and kids and I are in East Asia doing His work (I have to be careful what I write for security reasons). I heard of your story through a family member in Van Buren, AR (Sarah Morton). I have been following your blog and I have been lifting you all up every day, especially Jennifer, but of course Kacyn, Josiah, you, and your inlaws and friends and everyone who loves you. I have two little boys, too, one is three and the other is one. I just wanted you to know that people all over the world are joining together, standing before Him on your behalf, fighting with you. Keep leaning on the One who gave you your family. None of this came as a surprise to Him. Nothing is out of control. He is King now and forever, on His throne and in Jennifer's hospital room...and beside you as you weep, as you hope, as you stay strong for your wife and sons, as you eat ice cream, as you live. You will reach millions with this, you know that. You already have. He will be glorified.

Dan&Laurie said...
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Dan&Laurie said...

We love you both very much,our prayers have been with you since the begining.Jennifer when I think of you I always picture you praying about everything, the time you backed out of my driveway and your car stopped ontop of our rock you instantly started praying,you are and always have been an inspiration to our whole family,you and David have planted so many seeds into our childern and thier friends,they all love you so much,there are ones that have started praying again,you can probably figure which ones,they were so touched by the situation. They call for updates waiting on that miracle.Jennifer you have always been an inspiration to me (Laurie)in my growing up in Christ thank you guys for always being there for our family if you need anything we are here. LIFE,MIRACLE&TESTIMONY LOVE YOU Behrends Family

Kimmie said...

Thank you, David, for sharing your heart. We KNOW God is healing Jennifer from the inside Lynn said. God bless you and your family! I can't wait to see Jennifer and tell her all of the memories that have been floating around in my head since all of this has happened. She was always thining of others! We love her dearly and you all too.
-Kim and Anousack Vongphachanh

Sherry C. said...

David, thank you for being obedient to your FATHER. Thank you sharing your heart. Everyday..Jim and I read Lynn's blog and pray. We have your wedding invitation picture posted on our refrigerator as our constant prayer reminder. We see you as your were and WILL BE again! We love you and all of your family very much! Our hearts, love and prayers are with you! Sherry and Jim Cunningham

Heather said...

David, That story blessed my heart. Its amazing to see how great God is in our lives. Jennifer was there the night God healed me and I will keep pray for her and your family till God has finished his work!!!

Heather Campbell

Paul Scheible said...

All I can say is amen