Monday, March 2, 2009


Yesterday, March 1, was Grammy's birthday. Happy birthday!

Jennifer walked 36 feet today in therapy! Again this was with the help of 3 people, but it's still a wonderful achievement for her!

The speech therapist will begin working with Jennifer on soft mechanical foods on Thursday in therapy. Then they will be doing another swallow study/test on her next week (I think).

My daughter saw Jennifer this past weekend. She said Jennifer's speech seemed better to her. She could understand her better than she could last time she was there which was the weekend prior to Jennifer's release from the rehab hospital.

I have posted some new pics to the blog including one of Jennifer holding Kacyn! Be sure to check out my precious little nephews & my beautiful sister!

Please continue to pray for Jennifer & her family! God is working his magic on this precious little family every day!

1 comment:

Sherry Palmer said...

We are looking for someone to help us put together a video and have it professional enough to submit to some large ministries for a home makeover.