Thursday, February 26, 2009

This week

We got great news about Kacyn! His blood work from a few weeks ago came back normal! (Remember, it had shown possible Organic Acid Disorder previously.)

Kacyn also had a dr appt yesterday. David said the dr was impressed by how well he's doing. He coo'd & goo'd at her & responded the way the dr expected him to. (He's 4 months old now, but he was 8 weeks early so his adjusted age is only 2 months.) He now weighs 14 lbs & 6 oz! David said they'll be changing his formula soon & the dr said his weight gain should slow down with the new formula.

Jennifer walked 24 feet today! It was with the help of 3 people, but it's a big deal that she was able to keep weight on her feet for that long & also to take that many steps!

David said her hands are showing slight improvement, but still have a long ways to go. The same goes for her speech.

He said he's requested another swallow test for Jennifer next week so hopefully she'll be able to move to the next step for food, soft mechanical.

My mom & daughter are going to Sullivan tomorrow. I know Jennifer will be as happy to see them as they will be to see her!

Please keep Jennifer in your prayers: speech, swallowing, hands, walking, muscle tone/strength, spirits (David said she was a little down today), everything. Please keep David, the boys, & all the family in your prayers also. This is still a difficult time for everyone.

Have a great weekend!

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