Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kacyn!

Kacyn is 5 months old today! Mom calls him our little miracle baby. And he is truly a miracle! According to some of the drs & their interpretation of his original MRI, we shouldn't still have him with us. He's surprised the drs from day 1 & continues to surprise them! Mom said he was so precious when she saw him this weekend. She said he just smiled & cooed at her. We love you, little Kacyn!

Since this is Kacyn's 5 month birthday, this is also the 5 month anniversary of the accident. In some ways it seems like it has been much longer than 5 months! It all still seems so unreal, like a dream - a nightmare to be exact. It's been a rough 5 months, but is getting a little easier each day. I'm not sure we could have made it through this time without the support, prayers, & love of all of you. Thank you!

Those prayers are still needed. Please continue to pray for Jennifer's full recovery from head to toe as well as Kacyn's. And don't forget to pray for David. None of us can even begin to imagine what he is going through even now with having to care for Jennifer the way he does. Most people wouldn't be able to do what he's doing. This shows what a great man he is. We can't forget little Jo in those prayers either! We need to keep him healthy & safe! Grammy needs prayers to help her continue to care for those little boys whom I love so dearly.

Thank you again! God bless!


cposey said...

David and Jennifer came to our house the other night to show off their new Suburban! Jennifer was beaming! It was so amazing to see her "driving around town" with david. I am so happy for them. They got a big nice vehicle and they deserve it!!! Happy birthday Kacyn!!! I love you little man!

Kimmie said...

Just wanted you to know I read every single blog, and we're still praying!