Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day #93

Good morning!

I apologize for not posting something yesterday or over the weekend. Things are improving, but it's pretty slow so there's not a lot to report on every day & I don't always have something to say. (I know for those of you who know me, it's hard to believe that I'd have nothing to say!) Because of this, do not get worried if there are days when nothing is posted. It'll be a case of no news is good news!

Jennifer will begin taking her meals by mouth today. Everything will be puree'd & must be a certain thickness including her beverages. (Someone has to feed it to her. She still can't really move her hands or arms yet.) She must be able to eat 50% of each meal by mouth or they will begin feeding her through the feeding tube again. This actually started with dinner last night. She had puree'd roast beef. She didn't like the green stuff or what they thought were mashed potatoes. David nor Jen could figure out what the green stuff or the white stuff were. She ate a few bites & wanted to be done. David told her she needed to try to eat 50%. So she ate about 10 more bites of pudding then asked David "Is - that - 50%?" For those who haven't seen or talked to her, her voice is very deep & her speech is very slow. David laughed & told her "no" & if that was all she could do, then that was ok. David asked her if she wanted something to drink & she said "yes". He asked her if she wanted water. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted tea. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted milk. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted juice. She said "no". He finally asked her what she wanted. She said "soda". She hasn't had a soda in months! She likes Pepsi, but the hospital only carries Coke products. The nurse found a small can of Diet Pepsi in the refrigerator. The nurse said she didn't know whose it was, but that it was Jennifer's now! It had to be thickened, but Jennifer got to drink it. David tasted it & said the thickening makes it pretty gross, but Jennifer drank it!

Kacyn has a CAT scan this morning then an appointment with the facial & cranial dr this afternoon. As soon as we know something from these, I will post it.

Jennifer continues to slowly get better. Please continue to pray for her hands, arms, legs, speech, vocal cords, brain - entire body. Please pray that all is well with Kacyn's appts & that his head/brain is ok.

And don't forget David! He needs prayers too. He has a lot on his plate! He's handling things a lot better than most people would. I know this is due to his strong faith & the support of all of you. Thank you!


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