Friday, January 30, 2009

Day #103

Jennifer took 2 steps today! This is great news!

She also got her botox injections finally today. Hopefully, we'll see significant improvement in her hands soon.

When I talked to David about 1:00 today, he was on his way back home to Sullivan. He'd already been home & back to St Louis once. He had to go back to Sullivan because the dr called him asking him to bring Kacyn back in. His blood test showed abnormal organic acid disorder. She wanted him to bring Kacyn in for another blood test. The dr said they will sometimes get a false positive on this test when there's another deficiency such as a vitamin B12 deficiency. The dr said Kacyn doesn't really have any of the symptoms for this, but they wanted to test again because this can be a serious disorder. Please pray that this was a false positive & everything is ok with little Kacyn.

Jennifer's eyesight seems to be getting better. David said last night they were watching a DVD & for some reason the Spanish subtitles were turned on. He said while they were watching the movie, Jennifer started trying to tell him something. He couldn't figure out what she was saying so after awhile Jennifer said "Never mind" - I heard that several times when I was there! :) David went back to watching the movie then it dawned on him what she was saying. He asked her if she was talking about the Spanish subtitles & she said "yes". He finally figured out she was asking why the Spanish subtitles were on. He said he didn't know. This is a sign of significant improvement in her eyesight. She could not only see the writing on the screen, but could also see it well enough to know it was Spanish!

Mom is back in St. Louis for the weekend. I know she was happy to see Jennifer!

Have a great weekend! Please remember David & Jennifer & their little family in your prayers this weekend!


1 comment:

paulina said...

i am really pleased to hear she is improving everyday