Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day #80

I have a correction for yesterday's posting. I somehow misunderstood & wrongfully stated that David didn't get to see Jennifer Monday or yesterday. That is not accurate. He got a rental car & was able to go see her yesterday. The van broke downon his way to see Jennifer on Monday, but he got a rental car & was able to go see her yesterday. Thank you, Kathy, for the correction! I apologize for the confusion. For those who know me well, you know that it's not too difficult to confuse me! :)

I don't really have much to say today. I just wanted to correct the mistake in yesterday's posting. I also wanted to make sure everyone sees the comment David's mom posted about taking the boys to see Jennifer on Sunday. I know Jennifer enjoyed seeing them even if it made her a little sad at the same time. She loves those boys so very much! I have copied Kathy's comments & pasted them below:

Kathy Dierking said...
I just wanted to give a update: We took the boys to see thier mommy on Sunday and they had a wonderful visit. Jennifer laughed when I told her of some of the 2yr old things that Josiah has been doing. Josiah likes to put lotion on so I asked Jennifer if she wanted Josiah to rub lotion on her feet and she raised her hand to indicate yes. He sat between her legs on the bed and rubbed her feet. She tried to play with Josiah by squeezing him with her feet. We laid Kacyn in her arms a couple of times. She put arm around him as best she could and she started crying. I think it made her sad. David was not able to go see her on Monday due to the fact that the tranmission went out on my van but we were able to get a rental car the same day and David was able to spend the day yesterday(Tuesday)with her and is with her again today. We do appreciate all of your prayers and thoughts. Kathy

Kathy is taking very good care of Josiah & Kacyn while Jennifer is recovering & David is going back & forth to see her. I know it can't be easy! There's no doubt sometimes that Josiah has reached the terrible 2's!! Grammy is documenting for Jennifer with pictures some of the things Josiah's done. I'm sure Jennifer will laugh when she sees the pics & hears the stories even though it may not have been too funny to Grammy at the time! I know he keeps Grammy jumping! When I was leaving Sun I told Jennifer I was going to stop by & spoil those boys & joked with her that Josiah might have Grammy locked in the closet! Jennifer laughed! Thank you, Grammy, for everything you are doing! I wish I were closer so I could help out more.

Please keep the prayers going! They are working, but are still needed!


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