Friday, January 30, 2009

Day #103

Jennifer took 2 steps today! This is great news!

She also got her botox injections finally today. Hopefully, we'll see significant improvement in her hands soon.

When I talked to David about 1:00 today, he was on his way back home to Sullivan. He'd already been home & back to St Louis once. He had to go back to Sullivan because the dr called him asking him to bring Kacyn back in. His blood test showed abnormal organic acid disorder. She wanted him to bring Kacyn in for another blood test. The dr said they will sometimes get a false positive on this test when there's another deficiency such as a vitamin B12 deficiency. The dr said Kacyn doesn't really have any of the symptoms for this, but they wanted to test again because this can be a serious disorder. Please pray that this was a false positive & everything is ok with little Kacyn.

Jennifer's eyesight seems to be getting better. David said last night they were watching a DVD & for some reason the Spanish subtitles were turned on. He said while they were watching the movie, Jennifer started trying to tell him something. He couldn't figure out what she was saying so after awhile Jennifer said "Never mind" - I heard that several times when I was there! :) David went back to watching the movie then it dawned on him what she was saying. He asked her if she was talking about the Spanish subtitles & she said "yes". He finally figured out she was asking why the Spanish subtitles were on. He said he didn't know. This is a sign of significant improvement in her eyesight. She could not only see the writing on the screen, but could also see it well enough to know it was Spanish!

Mom is back in St. Louis for the weekend. I know she was happy to see Jennifer!

Have a great weekend! Please remember David & Jennifer & their little family in your prayers this weekend!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day #102

Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days. I had no internet yesterday. I'm assuming it had something to do with the inch of ice we got Monday-Tuesday. Schools let out early on Monday & have been out every since & will be out tomorrow also. Even the U of A has been closed! You know it's pretty bad when the U of A shuts down!

Jennifer still hasn't had her botox injections. She was not feeling well again Tue morning & threw up. The dr didn't think the botox would add to her stomach problems, but was afraid to risk it so he didn't give it to her. It's just been crazy around there the last couple of days David said with being short stafffed because of the weather so he thinks that's why the dr didn't make it by to give her the injections yesterday or today. He's hoping he'll make it tomorrow. David said they will be giving her about 10 injections in each hand so they have reduced her blood thinners to prevent excessive bleeding with the injections.

She has used the toilet 2-3 times today instead of a bed pan. David said Jennifer was mad at him about it because it was his idea for them to put her on the toilet. She told him "I - am - mad - at - you." But he said she got over it pretty quickly.

David said she is able to bend her left leg about 50% now with little or no pain. She still can't use or move her left arm, left hand, or right hand. Hopefully, we will see a change in her hands soon with the botox injections.

David also said that Jennifer did not want to go to therapy today. This is something; however, that she has no say in! She MUST go to therapy! David put the phone up to her ear & I told her how I know it's hard work for her, how she's doing a great job, how I'm proud I am of her, & to keep up the great work.

Please continue to pray for Jennifer's head-to-toe healing as well as strength & encouragement. I know how hard the therapy must be for her, but she can't get discouraged. She needs to keep fighting & trying her best. David continues to stay with Jennifer at night then go home for a few hours during the day. Please pray for his safe travels as well as strength & encouragement for him so he doesn't wear himself down. I know he's young, but this is a lot for anyone even a young pup like him! Please pray for Grammy as she continues to love & care for those precious little boys until their mommy is able to care for them herself. And don't forget my mom & dad. It's very difficult for them being so far away from their "Baby Girl". They are both traveling back & forth on their days off as is my brother.

God bless you all!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Day #99

Jennifer didn't get her botox injections today after all. Since the dr was sick on Friday he had to try to catch up on all his patients & didn't make it to Jennifer today. Jennifer also has been sick today. She threw up after lunch. They aren't sure if she has a bug or if it is medication related. Her hip was bothering her yesterday afternoon & last night so they gave her Percoset (sp?) for pain. She had told David she felt dizzy not long before she threw up. Hopefully it was the medication. As for her hip hurting her again, they did x-rays on it again & said everything looked ok. They think it may be more like muscle soreness in her hip/bottom area from Friday's physical therapy. They had her ride a bicycle for 15 minutes.

I enjoyed my weekend with Jennifer. Once again, it was very difficult to leave. I worked my way up to actually saying bye by mentioning every so often something about me having to leave soon such as "I need to start getting my stuff packed up so I don't forget anything" and "Bad weather is coming. I'll have to leave pretty soon to try to miss it." She still got a little upset & cried a little when I finally had to leave & actually said "bye", but nothing like the goodbyes of the last time I was there. I; however, cried off & on all the way home in my car! Not only because of having to leave her, but also because of thinking about everything she's been through & how far she's come & how far she still has to go.

She doesn't remember much of anything that has happened since the accident. David showed her a picture of their car & asked if she remembered seeing that picture before & she said "no". She also doesn't remember being in the other hospital. She thought the rehab hospital is the only one she'd been in. I'm glad she doesn't remember any of the bad stuff. God has taken those memories from her.

I told her about some of our family members who have traveled to see her. I told her our cousin, Missy, who lives in KY has visited her twice. Her eyes got real big & she said "Really?" I told her that Aunt Sissy & Uncle Mike from Tulsa had actually spent the night at the hospital with her one night. Again, her eyes got big & she asked "Really?" I let her know that they are planning on coming back to visit sometime soon along with our Uncle Pat from AR. I then told her Uncle Mike & Aunt Lula from TX had visited her also. I got the same response. She seemed pleased & surprised at the same time.

I told her again about all the love & support she has from all over the country & the world. I told her there are prayers being sent out for her from all over & how many lives she is touching, more lives than she could have ever imagined.

She still has some bruises under her fingernails from when they used to pinch them to see if she would respond. When I was painting her nails for her, I asked her if she knew how she got the bruises under her nails. She said "no". I told her how they used to pinch her fingertips so hard they'd leave bruises & how she'd didn't feel it. She looked surprised. I said "But you'd feel it now, wouldn't you?" She said "yes".

She can pucker up & give kisses. This is something she couldn't do the last time I was there. I kept trying to get her to do this last time, but she couldn't. She gave me several kisses this time. Mom said when Jennifer found out I was coming, she started practicing saying my name by saying "I love Lynn". She told me many, many times "I love you". She heard it just as many times, if not more, from me also.

She smiled & laughed a lot while I was there. She loved telling all the nurses I was "40" when I'm not! She thought it was really funny! It made my heart smile to see that. She's always had a beautiful smile, but I think it's even more beautiful now! I am truly blessed to have her as a sister.

When she told the nurses "no" the other day about wanting to get in her wheelchair, she also told them she wanted to "stay in bed". The nurses told her when she goes home David won't let her stay in bed all the time. She said "yes". They asked her "who's going to take care of those babies". She smiled & said "David". They asked her "who's going to cook?" She smiled again & said "David". They asked her "who's going to clean?" Same response. They said "well, who's going to work?" Same response. By now, we're all laughing & Jennifer said "David do it all!". I told David about it (he wasn't there at that time) & he said "I don't think so!"

Please continue to pray for her recovery, strength, & encouragement. She is well on her way to being the Jennifer we all know & love again, but still has a ways to go! She's getting closer...she was pretty ornery a few times while I was there. She picked on both me & David quite a bit. Please continue to pray for strength & encouragement for David as he continues to juggle time with Jennifer, time with the boys, & school. And don't forget those precious little boys! They need prayers too!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day #97

I'm here in St. Louis with Jennifer. I drove up yesterday afternoon & stayed here at the hospital with her last night. I am amazed at the improvements in her speech since I was last here. It's still difficult to understand what she's saying, but she can say anything that she wants to! After several tries of trying to figure out what she wanted last night & asking many questions trying to figure it out, I asked her to spell it. Well, I couldn't understand some of the letters she was spelling so I started going through the alphabet. I told her I felt like I was playing Hangman & was about to get hanged! She laughed! She finally told me "Never mind". Then later she was trying to tell me something else. This time I figured it out fairly quickly. I joked "We didn't have to play Hangman or 20 Questions that time!" She laughed again.

One of the nurses asked who I was & I told her I'm Jennifer's older sister. I told Jennifer to tell the nurse how old I am because she thinks it's funny that I'm almost 40. She told the nurse "40". The nurse then asked how old she is. Jennifer said "25". I told her "You're not 25! You're 28!" She laughed! She had no trouble telling the nurse I was 40, but tried to lie about how old she is!

I can't even begin to put into words how it makes me feel to see her smiling & to hear her laugh. At one point, we would've given anything to see even the slightest grin. Now she laughs & smiles all the time. She's actually had the giggles this morning & had me laughing so hard I was crying! Even the nurses commented on how giggly she was today.

They asked her earlier if she wanted to get in her wheelchair & she said "no". Then the therapist asked her if she was ready to go to therapy & she said "no". I told them they were always going to get "no" for an answer so they shouldn't bother asking. Jennifer, once again, laughed about that.

She has regained some movement of her left leg. She can bend it some & moves it around in the bed. This is the leg that she had surgery on & it causes her a little pain to bend it. Her hands still cause her considerable pain. She should be getting the Botox injections Monday. There has been a slight delay in those because they were shipped to David & Jennifer's house instead of the hospital by mistake! I joked with Jennifer that Grammy might decide to try some! This made Jennifer laugh too! David brought the Botox here to the hospital yesterday, but the dr who was supposed to give them to her was sick yesterday. So that's why we are now looking at Monday for the injections.

David asked her yesterday if she wanted him to give her a pedicure & she said "No. Lynn." So when she gets back from therapy today I'm going to give her a pedicure. She's already told me she wants red polish.

Like I said I stayed at the hospital last night & will also be staying here tonight. I told David that would give him a break. He said he didn't really need a break, but that his mom probably did! Kacyn hasn't been sleeping the last few nights so she hasn't gotten much sleep. He was awake & crying until 5am one night! David has a couple of essays due tomorrow so he's doing those this morning before he comes up to the hospital. He said he might bring Jo up today! I hope so! I would love to see him as would Jennifer!

David is doing his physical therapy several times a week. Even though he's been walking on his leg for several weeks, he said it still hurts because they are stretching out those muscles. So you can just imagine how Jennifer's physical therapy hurts. She hasn't used any of her muscles in weeks!

Jennifer still isn't eating 50% of her food so she's still getting feeding through her feeding tube. She tries, but just can't get 50% of it down. It's a combination of her not really liking the food & her not feeling hungry.

David told me last night that Jennifer could be going home in as little as 30 days. She'll probably have to go home with a wheelchair so they are having a ramp built on to their house sometime in the next couple of weeks. It will be a joyous occasion for all of us when Jennifer finally gets to go home! Our God is good! We will have our Jennifer home & whole before too long!

David told her yesterday about the events of the last 14 weeks that have led her to here. She wants him to read the blog to her so I think he's going to start reading it to her this afternoon or maybe tomorrow. We've told her about the outpouring of love. When David reads the comments on the blog, it will be proof of it! I know I have thanked you before, but I can't thank you enough for the support, love, & prayers for our dear sister, wife, mother, daughter, friend. We are truly blessed to have such dear & caring friends. Thank you for being part of Jennifer's Miracle. I know you just like I do look forward to hearing Jennifer's testimony & the story of her miracle in her own words.

Please continue to pray for her. She still has a long road ahead of her, but she is getting closer to the end of it with each passing day.

We love you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day #95

Jennifer continues to improve slightly each day. She should be getting the Botox injections in her wrists/hands sometime in the next couple of days. She's doing well with her eating, but gets full quickly. Mom tricked her into eating a little more when she was feeding her by telling her "5 more bites" then miscounting the bites! She said Jennifer caught on though!

My brother was in St. Louis Tue-Wed. Mom was there Wed-Thu. I will be there Sat-Sun. It's been 3 weeks since I've seen my sister due to my son's birthday & having a cold that I didn't want to share with anyone in St. Louis. I'm looking forward to seeing her. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is leaving her again. That is always difficult especially now that she gets upset & cries when you leave.

Because I will be in St. Louis all weekend, I won't be posting anything to the blog.

Please continue to pray for Jennifer, Kacyn, David, & Josiah as well as the rest of the family as we travel back & forth.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Great news!

I have some great news to share tonight!

Kacyn's CAT scan & appt with the facial/cranial dr went very well today. They found nothing wrong! They determined according to David that Kacyn just has a funny shaped head! I told David he must get that from his side of the family! :) :) :)

It feels so good to have some great news to share!

Thank you for all the prayers! Please keep praying!


Day #93

Good morning!

I apologize for not posting something yesterday or over the weekend. Things are improving, but it's pretty slow so there's not a lot to report on every day & I don't always have something to say. (I know for those of you who know me, it's hard to believe that I'd have nothing to say!) Because of this, do not get worried if there are days when nothing is posted. It'll be a case of no news is good news!

Jennifer will begin taking her meals by mouth today. Everything will be puree'd & must be a certain thickness including her beverages. (Someone has to feed it to her. She still can't really move her hands or arms yet.) She must be able to eat 50% of each meal by mouth or they will begin feeding her through the feeding tube again. This actually started with dinner last night. She had puree'd roast beef. She didn't like the green stuff or what they thought were mashed potatoes. David nor Jen could figure out what the green stuff or the white stuff were. She ate a few bites & wanted to be done. David told her she needed to try to eat 50%. So she ate about 10 more bites of pudding then asked David "Is - that - 50%?" For those who haven't seen or talked to her, her voice is very deep & her speech is very slow. David laughed & told her "no" & if that was all she could do, then that was ok. David asked her if she wanted something to drink & she said "yes". He asked her if she wanted water. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted tea. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted milk. She said "no". He asked her if she wanted juice. She said "no". He finally asked her what she wanted. She said "soda". She hasn't had a soda in months! She likes Pepsi, but the hospital only carries Coke products. The nurse found a small can of Diet Pepsi in the refrigerator. The nurse said she didn't know whose it was, but that it was Jennifer's now! It had to be thickened, but Jennifer got to drink it. David tasted it & said the thickening makes it pretty gross, but Jennifer drank it!

Kacyn has a CAT scan this morning then an appointment with the facial & cranial dr this afternoon. As soon as we know something from these, I will post it.

Jennifer continues to slowly get better. Please continue to pray for her hands, arms, legs, speech, vocal cords, brain - entire body. Please pray that all is well with Kacyn's appts & that his head/brain is ok.

And don't forget David! He needs prayers too. He has a lot on his plate! He's handling things a lot better than most people would. I know this is due to his strong faith & the support of all of you. Thank you!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Day #89

Jennifer continues to say additional words. David says she's said probably 20-30 new words. She also can spell things. She was in speech therapy today & was trying to tell the dr what she wanted. The dr couldn't understand what it was so she asked Jennifer if she could spell it for her. Jennifer slowly spelled out "g-l-a-s-s-e-s". She wanted her glasses.

Mom is back in St Louis. She got there this morning. She couldn't sleep so she left about 3:00am to go up there.

They are planning to give Jennifer botox injections in her hands to help with movement. The botox will relax the muscles.

When asked if she remembers the accident, Jennifer said "yes". When asked if she remembered what color their car was, she said "blue". She even remembered & said that it was a "Saturn" car.

Josiah used the potty for the first time today. When David told Jennifer about it, he asked her if she could spell that. She spelled "p-o-t-t-y". After he used the potty, he was standing in the bathroom naked while Grammy was getting him some clothes. Before she got back to the bathroom with the clothes, he peed in the floor! Grammy was making him clean it up & he peed some more in the floor! Mom said Jennifer laughed when told this story!

Jennifer continues to show significant improvement every day, but still has a long ways to go. Please remember her in your prayers.

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day #87

David sent me a text message today saying:
"Jennifer stood in a standing frame for 15 minutes today."

That is great!

Please keep the prayers going!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day #86

The x-rays today showed Jennifer's hip is healing well. She got the ok to begin weight bearing physical therapy. When the dr asked her how much pain she had in her hip & legs, she said "none". Her hands & left arm are the only things causing pain. They are making custom splints for her hands to straighten them out (her right hand is curled up now like the left). Her right foot points dowward, so a custom splint is also being made for it. Her foot pointing downward is probably due to the muscle drawing up & can be fixed. There is a very, very slight chance that it could be from nerve damage in the pelvic area, but thd dr doesn't really think so. They are also making a custom splint for her left arm to slowly begin straightening out her elbow.

She started her weight bearing physical therapy today. They put weight on her feet in her bed today. She did well with that, but when they tried to stand her up in the gym, she got scared & panicked. They said this is normal & would just take time for her to get over being scared & panicking. I guess maybe she's afraid it's either going to hurt or they're going to let her fall.

She told David today that she wanted the "light off". She also said "cover" to let him know she wanted to be covered up then said "blanket" to tell him she wanted his blanket & not the sheet.

Everyday Jennifer continues to improve, but she still has a long way to go. So please don't stop praying for her! When I named this blog Jennifers Miracle, I had no idea how big a miracle it was going to be! We are all witnessing a great miracle. Thank you for being a part of it!


Update to Day #85

After my posting last night, I heard from David. He has decided to stay with Jennifer at night & go home during the day when she's in therapy. This will keep her from being alone all night & give us all a little less to worry about.

Just wanted to let everyone know!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day #85

Mom had to come back home today to return to work. This was very difficult for her as Jennifer is still unable to push the Call button if she needs the nurse & Jennifer still wakes in the night & calls out "Mom". When I spoke to Mom earlier today she was on her way home & was crying. She was heartbroken because of how upset Jennifer got when Mom told her she had to come home. Mom will be going back to St. Louis on her days off. Mom is very worried not only about Jennifer being alone at night & not being able to call the nurse but also because she's still not able to see very well & can't move her left arm & leg. She also has developed a bladder infection.

David is staying with Jennifer tonight because Jennifer has a dr appt at 8:00 in the morning for a CAT scan to see how her hip is healing & to determine if she is ready to begin weight bearing physical therapy. Please pray that the CAT scan goes well. The drs say once they are able to begin weight bearing physical therapy, her motor skills should start to improve more quickly.

Please continue to pray for Jennifer's head-to-toe healing as well as for her to cope well without someone there at all times with her.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Day #82

Jennifer said more new words today, unprompted. They continue to give her a little food by mouth.

David took his laptop to the hospital with him today. It has a built in webcam. He dialed into his mom's webcam at home & they let Jennifer see the boys through the webcam. As soon as Josiah came onto the screen, Jennifer said "Hi Jo".

Grammy & David found out last night (actually early this morning) that Kacyn doesn't like the dark! He'd cry when they put him in bed, but stop when Grammy would get him & take him back to the living room. They'd put him back in his bed & he'd cry again. They finally decided the only thing left to do was to let him cry for awhile. That didn't work. Grammy then realized he stops crying when you turn the light on, but starts again when you turn the light off. They ended up leaving him in his bed with the light on & he didn't cry anymore!

We're going to have a pretty busy weekend so I'm probably not going to post anything (unless something happens that I need to post about). My son has a basketball game at 9:00 in the morning, then he has his 10th birthday party at 2:00 at a laser tag place, then his cousins are staying the night with him tomorrow night. I can't believe my baby is 10! BOY! Do I feel old!!! That was something else that made Jennifer laugh last being almost 40! She thought that was pretty funny!

Have a great weekend! Please remember Jennifer, David, Kacyn, Josiah, & the rest of the family in your prayers!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day #81

I spoke to David a few minutes ago. Jennifer got to see the boys again today. This wasn't really a planned trip. Kacyn had to go to the dr because the splint on his right foot was hurting him & had to be adjusted so they stopped by to see Jennifer. When they walked in to Jennifer's room, Josiah said "Hi Mommy!" Jennifer responded "Hi Jo". David said she said it very clearly. She didn't really want to hold Kacyn today so Kathy sat beside her, holding Kacyn. While Kathy was sitting beside her & feeding Kacyn, Jennifer would put her hand on Kacyn's hand or leg. When they were leaving, Josiah gave Jennifer kisses on her leg, foot, hand, arm, shoulder, head, ears, eyes, all over. David was making it a game like the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes". David said Jennifer smiled & laughed the whole time Josiah was doing this.

David also said Jennifer should be "weight bearing" Tuesday. This means they are going to begin allowing her to put weight on her legs. They are supposed to begin weight bearing physical therapy Tuesday.

The case worker at the rehab hospital for Jennifer told David Jennifer is doing very well cognitively. The speech therapy is working well for her. We all know she understands everything that's said, but the speech therapist has confirmed it for us. He/she reads books to Jennifer & then will ask her questions about them. Jennifer gets about 80-85% of the questions right. Hopefully, her motor skills will begin improve significantly with the new physical therapy routine next week.

The pastor from Jennifer & David's church in OH came by to see her today. He talked to her for quite some time. David couldn't remember exactly what Jennifer said to Pastor Myer, but Jennifer talked quite a bit to Pastor Myer & said words she hadn't said before.

David began his online schooling again this week. He was working on homework that's due tonight at midnight. He's doing this on top of taking care of the boys & driving 2 hours (both ways) to see Jennifer every day. Whew! I don't know how he does it! I'm very proud to have him as my brother-in-law.

Kacyn is supposed to see a facial & cranial dr to determine if the plates on his head are separated or fused together. Depending on what they discover, he may need to have surgery, but it may still be awhile before any surgery happens. His brain isn't pushing against his skull or having pressure put on it. I'm praying that he won't need surgery.

Prayers are needed for Jennifer's brain, motor skills, speech, eyes, hip, depression, the left side of her body -- head-to-toe healing.

Prayers are needed for Kacyn's head/brain. Pray for angels to watch over him & Josiah to protect them & keep them safe.

Mom's still staying at the rehab hospital, sleeping in a chair in Jennifer's room. Please pray for strength & comfort for her. She gets really down.

David has more to deal with than anyone should ever have to, especially at age 25. Please remember to pray for strength, comfort, encouragement for him.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day #80

I have a correction for yesterday's posting. I somehow misunderstood & wrongfully stated that David didn't get to see Jennifer Monday or yesterday. That is not accurate. He got a rental car & was able to go see her yesterday. The van broke downon his way to see Jennifer on Monday, but he got a rental car & was able to go see her yesterday. Thank you, Kathy, for the correction! I apologize for the confusion. For those who know me well, you know that it's not too difficult to confuse me! :)

I don't really have much to say today. I just wanted to correct the mistake in yesterday's posting. I also wanted to make sure everyone sees the comment David's mom posted about taking the boys to see Jennifer on Sunday. I know Jennifer enjoyed seeing them even if it made her a little sad at the same time. She loves those boys so very much! I have copied Kathy's comments & pasted them below:

Kathy Dierking said...
I just wanted to give a update: We took the boys to see thier mommy on Sunday and they had a wonderful visit. Jennifer laughed when I told her of some of the 2yr old things that Josiah has been doing. Josiah likes to put lotion on so I asked Jennifer if she wanted Josiah to rub lotion on her feet and she raised her hand to indicate yes. He sat between her legs on the bed and rubbed her feet. She tried to play with Josiah by squeezing him with her feet. We laid Kacyn in her arms a couple of times. She put arm around him as best she could and she started crying. I think it made her sad. David was not able to go see her on Monday due to the fact that the tranmission went out on my van but we were able to get a rental car the same day and David was able to spend the day yesterday(Tuesday)with her and is with her again today. We do appreciate all of your prayers and thoughts. Kathy

Kathy is taking very good care of Josiah & Kacyn while Jennifer is recovering & David is going back & forth to see her. I know it can't be easy! There's no doubt sometimes that Josiah has reached the terrible 2's!! Grammy is documenting for Jennifer with pictures some of the things Josiah's done. I'm sure Jennifer will laugh when she sees the pics & hears the stories even though it may not have been too funny to Grammy at the time! I know he keeps Grammy jumping! When I was leaving Sun I told Jennifer I was going to stop by & spoil those boys & joked with her that Josiah might have Grammy locked in the closet! Jennifer laughed! Thank you, Grammy, for everything you are doing! I wish I were closer so I could help out more.

Please keep the prayers going! They are working, but are still needed!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day #79

Mom contacted her workplace & told them she would not be back at work this week after all. She just can't leave Jennifer. She said Jennifer wakes up in the night calling "momma". Since the rest of the family was just there this past weekend, mom was worried about Jennifer being alone most of the weekend. She just can't bear the thought of Jennifer being alone for long periods of time. Not only because Jennifer can't push the call button if she needs a nurse or needs something, but also because of the depression. I'm sure the depression is a normal part of the healing process, but it really worries my mom. Jennifer's eyesight also isn't good enough for her to watch tv or anything so she'd be just lying in bed completely alone with nothing to do.

While I was there this past weekend, she was covered with the sheet signed by the people at her church in Ohio. I asked her if she wanted me to read what was written on it. She raised her hand to indicate "yes". I began reading some of the things that were written. When I'd read the names, I'd ask her if she knew who that person was & she'd raise her hand "yes". She giggled at me a couple of times because I mispronounced some of the names. I read a lot of the writings to her, but when I got to the one from Pastor Neil & Anne, she started crying. I asked her if she wanted me to stop reading them to her & she raised her hand. I meant for it to be something encouraging or inspiring for her, but instead I think it made her sad.

Please continue praying. She needs strength, encouragement, comfort, ability to continue to fight as well prayers for complete healing. She's come too far to give up now!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Day #78

I took the kids to see Jennifer this past weekend. It was very uplifting to see the changes in Jennifer since I last saw her 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago she was essentially non-responsive. This time I saw her smile, giggle, laugh, talk, & communicate in other ways. It made my heart so happy!

Besides saying "hi" & "bye" she now says several other words. The dr was in her room one day last week & asked Jennifer who was sitting in the chair beside her bed. Jennifer said "mom".

Our brother asked her to say "bubba" which is what she called him growing up. She said it! She called me "sissy" growing up, but I thought that might be too difficult for her so I asked her if she could say "Lynn" & she did! She struggles a little & it takes some time to get the words out, but she can do it! The dr said her vocal cords are still separated from the ventilator being put in, but said they should grow back together. When they do, it will become much easier for her to talk.

Jennifer understands everything that is said to her & will respond accordingly with a smile, a giggle, a big laugh, frown, tears, etc. She answers "yes" or "no" questions by lifting her right hand if the answer is "yes". Or if you're holding her hand, she'll squeeze your hand if the answer is "yes". This makes it much easier to know what she needs or wants or if there's something wrong. You can ask her questions such as "Are you cold?", "Are you hot?", "Are you in pain?", "Does your stomach hurt?", "Does your hip hurt?", etc...just keep asking questions until she says "yes". Previously not knowing what she wanted or needed was very upsetting for us. We could tell she was upset or needed something, but we had no idea what. Now she can tell us!

The kids had been wanting to see their "Aunt Fer", but I wasn't sure about taking them before because I was afraid it might be too upsetting. Jennifer was very happy to see them though. They drew & colored her lots of pictures to go with the ones they & their cousins had already made for her. She now has lots of beautiful artwork decorating her room. There's no doubt to anyone who walks in her room that she has lots of people who love her! She still has problems with her eyes & seeing. She stares off to the right a lot so the kids put a lot of artwork on the wall to the right of her bed. The drs said her poor eyesight & eye movement are due the muscles behind her eyes being weak & also as a result of the brain damage, but should continue to heal with her brain. She gets very upset when someone mentions her eyesight or eye movement. Something else that upsets her is when someone mentions "physical therapy". She gets upset & starts crying if someone says she has to go to physical therapy. It hurts her because of her hip & I'm sure it's not fun either. That would be like someone making me get out of bed & go to the gym & workout! I would cry too!!! During the week she has speech therapy & physical/occupational therapy twice a day.

My brother & his wife were in St. Louis this weekend also. We were all in Jennifer's room & my brother was talking on the phone with our dad. Dad was getting a new yellow lab puppy (his yellow lab had passed away the day before). Dad was trying to think of a name for this new dog. We were all discussing names for this dog. Obviously Jennifer was listening because she said "Maaar - leeeey" as in the movie/book, Marley & Me, about a yellow lab. Jennifer read this book a couple of years ago & it's one of her favorite books. I asked her "Do you want Dad to name the puppy Marley?" And Jennifer lifted her hand for "yes". John told Dad Jennifer said to name the dog Marley so that's what dad named it! For those of you who don't know what Marley & Me is about, it's a true story about a man & his yellow lab named Marley who he calls the worst dog in the world. This dog never grew out of the puppy stage, always causing problems & getting into things. I told Jennifer "Hopefully, this Marley won't be like the one in the book!" Jennifer laughed.

I saw Jennifer smile, giggle, & laugh big belly laughs several times this weekend. It made me so happy inside. Another thing that made her laugh was talking about when she was born. Dad took my brother & I to the hospital to see the new baby. We were looking at the babies in the nursery & Dad pointed out which one was ours. Our brother who was 8 at the time pointed to another baby, a red-headed boy, & said he wanted that one instead! He thought you could just pick out which baby you wanted! He didn't want ANOTHER sister! Jennifer laughed hard at this story.

Jennifer said David's name for the first time this weekend. He walked out of the room & she started calling "Daaa-vid".

It was great to hear her saying words unprompted such as "Marley" & "David". She also tried to say "I love you" to the kids. They were telling her they love her & she said "I love" several times, but couldn't ever get the "you" out, but I told her we knew what she was trying to say & the kids know she loves them.

It's heartbreaking to see her cry. Our brother had to leave on Sat to come back home. He's a firefighter & a paramedic & had to work Sun. When he & his wife told her they were leaving, she got very upset & started crying, not just tears, but a heartbreaking cry with sound & tears. Everyone in the room was crying. Because I knew she would get upset when the kids & I had to leave on Sunday, I dreaded having to tell her so I put it off as long as I could. I was crying just thinking about it. And as expected she got very upset. I tried explaining to her that the kids had to go to school today. I know she understands, but she still gets upset. Once again, Jennifer was crying so the rest of us, including the kids were crying. When Jennifer smiles, everyone else smiles; when Jennifer laughs, everyone else laughs; when Jennifer cries, everyone else cries!

She loves having visitors & mom has to return to work on Friday so she will no longer have someone with her all the time. She'll return to visit Jennifer on her days off. Mom has been sleeping in a chair in Jennifer's room because anytime she mentions going to a hotel, Jennifer gets upset & starts crying. My daughter was crying Sat night because she's worried about what Jennifer's going to do when Mom has to leave. Since Jennifer loves to have visitors, anyone who wants to go visit her is welcome to!

They continue to work on feeding Jennifer. She's gotten chocolate pudding & applesauce. They gave her pureed tuna noodle casserole & thickened soup for dinner the other night. She gets choked on something as thin as water, so it has to be thickened for her. Hopefully soon she will be able to eat all 3 meals by mouth & no longer need a feeding tube.

My son was saying his prayers last night & as always he asked God to keep healing Aunt Fer, but he also asked God to take care of all the people in the hospital. He's 9 (he'll be 10 tomorrow!) & told me while we were at the hospital that it made him sad to see so many people sick. So he's been praying for everyone at the hospital, not just Aunt Fer.

We saw Josiah & Kacyn yesterday. They are even cuter than their pictures! Josiah'd been ornery before we got there dumping out a basket of laundry that Grammy had just folded! Grammy took lots of pictures of my kids with Jo & Kacyn. David gave me some beautiful pictures of the boys. One of Josiah & Kacyn together & one of each of the boys by themselves. These are the Christmas pictures that were taken for Jennifer. I have the pictures on my fireplace mantle.

Jennifer's left hand & fingers are curled up & she is unable to move her left arm, hand, leg. They've put a splint on her hand to try to straighten her hand out. That hand & arm hurt when someone tries to move them for her.

Please pray for Jennifer's brain, eyes, left hand, left arm, left leg, eating, vocal cords, complete healing. The prayers are working! It was so amazing & uplifting to see the progress that has occurred over the last few weeks. Also please pray for strength, comfort, & encouragement for her. She's fighting a little bit of depression & is being given medication to help with it. Also please continue to pray for Kacyn's brain/head as well as strength, comfort, & encouragement for David & the rest of the family. I'm not sure how we would have coped without all your prayers, support, & love. It has helped more than you will ever know & we will never be able to thank you enough.
