Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update & Another Correction!

Another correction to how much Kacyn's head has grown since Jan. I was correct in the first posting regarding it. His head has grown 4" since Jan, not 4 centimeters. I'm blaming this one on David! He's the one who corrected it to 4 centimeters then he e-mailed yesterday telling me it was 4". Just wanted everyone to know that even though I'm almost 40 (ALMOST 40, Jennifer!), I'm really not losing it!

Jennifer walked 100 feet in therapy on Monday! About 1/2 of this was with a walker! It was a special walker that was a little taller so she could rest her forearms on it. There were 2 people assisting her with this, but it's still a big accomplishment for her.

She's also walking to the bathroom in their house now with David's help instead of using the bedside toilet. That, too, is a huge accomplishment!

Jennifer was wanting to go to OH to visit all their friends & church members there. So David took her. They left yesterday & arrived today.

Please continue to pray for this little family. They are getting a little better each day, but still have a long ways to go & still need all the prayers they can get!


1 comment:

Sandy Hentzel said...

WTG!!! Walking is a big accomplishment! Before you know it, the platform walker will be history :)