Thursday, April 23, 2009


After a long day of waiting at the hospital, Jennifer & David finally received the diagnosis & action plan from the neurologist.

They are releasing Kacyn from the hospital, but are going to observe the fluid buildup. If it gets worse, a shunt will be put in to drain it. The neurologist also told them that Kacyn has severe brain damage from the accident. His brain cortex (the top of his brain) is minimal & he is missing a lot of brain tissue. He does not expect Kacyn to develop much past where he is right now. He said any development will be good. He also said it would be a year before they know what the long term outlook is for Kacyn.

This was very disappointing & upsetting to hear. But we know Kacyn has surprised the drs from the very beginning. They have been wrong many times. The first neurologist that looked at Kacyn's MRI results was surprised he's still alive, didn't think he'd be able to breathe on his own or suck a pacifier, etc. Kacyn's developed way past those things. The drs can only report on what they can read on the test results. They don't know what God's plan is. We know & believe that God's plan for this precious baby is bigger than this. God is healing him just as he's healing Jennifer.

Please keep Kacyn in your prayers as well as the rest of the family. This news was very upsetting today. Even though we know God has a better plan for Kacyn, it was still very difficult to hear these things.


Sandy Hentzel said...

Just seeing this now. Praying for the little man now.

Our God is a big God and trusting in good reports now :)

laurap said...

We are remembering that every little stitch is His and is a part of His beautiful plan. We have no idea how good and huge our God is.

Lois said...

You are all still in our prayers and thoughts. I read the blog at least 2 to 3 times a week. Thank you so much for still keeping it up. We are believing with you for a complete healing!

Kimmie said...

I know of someone who had something similar. (fluid build up with a shunt) They told her parents at 10 months old that she would not develop mentally past 10 months old. She is now 3 and is above average intelligence!! God is bigger!!!! We will pray!
-Kim and Anousack Vongphachanh