Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Prayers for Kacyn

I enjoyed my visit with Jennifer, David, & the boys (& you too, Grammy!). Jen is looking so good! She is beginning to look like the old Jennifer! I held Kacyn as much as possible - which was a lot! And I stole hugs & kisses from Jo whenever I could catch him! I got to see Jen walk. Of course, she can't walk on her own yet. This was with David standing in front of her, holding her up, & walking backward in front of her. But it's such an improvement for Jen. It was bittersweet seeing that because I was happy for her, but at the same time it was heartbreaking. As always, it was very difficult for me say "bye" & leave. I held my tears though until I was in the car so Jen wouldn't see. I love you, Jen!

They had a scare with Kacyn Monday. He had a seizure. Kathy called his pediatrician. The pediatrician told her to call the neurologist. The neurologist seemed to expect that seizures were something that were probably going to happen at some point. Kacyn has an appt with the neurologist on June 26 for them to determine what needs to be done. I know that seems like a long ways off, but they have been instructed to take Kacyn to the emergency room if they feel they need to.

Prayers are needed for my sweet little baby nephew. He's had a rough little life so far, but we know through prayer & God's love he will be well & whole one day. Jen says Kacyn will be a "genius" & she kept saying yesterday when I was on the phone with Kathy that "he's going to be ok." I know she truly believes with all of her heart this is true & was saying that for my benefit.

Jennifer continues to get a little better everyday, but still is unable to walk & unable to use her left hand & arm at all. She is getting pretty good with her right hand, but it's still not quite there yet. Her speech is also getting better, but we still have to play Hangman sometimes for me to figure out what she's trying to say. Please continue your prayers for her. It's amazing to think what she's been through in the last 7 months. She has a wondrous story to tell!

Don't forget David & Kathy in your prayers. They are doing a wonderful job taking care of Jen & those babies! I can't ever thank them enough.

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