Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day especially the moms in my life (my mom, my sister, David's mom). This Mother's Day is extra special for our family. Jennifer has a new baby & my mom still has her youngest daughter & a new grandson. 6 months ago we weren't sure we'd still have either of them. God has truly blessed our family. Not only do we still have them, but they are getting better each & every day. Our mom & David's mom, Kathy, have been wonderful examples of a mother's love & the extent to which a mother will go for her children. Our mom spent months in the hospital at Jen's bedside without even a car to leave the hospital. David's mom has put her life on hold to help Jennifer & David by taking care of their precious little boys for them. These are just 2 examples of the wonderful things these 2 mothers have done in the last 6 months. There is no way I could list everything they've done.

Jennifer & David have both been sick. Kathy took them to the dr earlier this week & it was determined they both have strep throat. The good news is the dr told them that children age 2 & under don't normally get strep throat so there really was no worry with the kids getting it. They are both on medication & are getting better.

Kacyn had his dr's appt today to check the fluid buildup on his brain & to find out if a shunt was needed. The dr said a shunt isn't needed right now! Praise the Lord! My understanding is it's more about the pressure the excess fluid is putting on the brain rather than the fluid itself. The fluid hasn't necessarily decreased. The fluid still isn't putting any pressure on his brain. Because there still isn't any pressure on the brain, a shunt isn't needed at this time. The dr wants to see him again in 3 months to look at it again. Please continue to pray for this darling little boy.

Thank you for all the prayers! I know it's because of your prayers that we are able to have this extra special Mother's Day. I hope all of the moms reading this have a wonderful Mother's Day! Being a mother is truly a gift from God & every moment should be cherished. I've known this since becoming a mother 13 years ago, but the events of the last 6 months have made me realize it even more. Being a mom is the best job in the world!

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

I LOVE the new pictures! They are such beautiful boys!! Praise God that no shunt is needed now. We will continue to pray.
Kim and Anousack Vongphachanh