Thursday, August 6, 2009

G Tube

Kacyn made it through his surgery with no problems. He was in quite a bit of pain last night & this morning. If you have children, you know that a pain cry is like no other. It can break your heart. They gave him some morphine this morning & he slept for quite awhile. Then seemed to feel a little better after that.

The plan is currently that he will be released tomorrow. And will have to go back in about a month to have surgery to put a shunt in.

I have posted a couple of new pics. One is of his G tube & the other is this afternoon & shows the modifications Grammy made to his clothing to accomodate the tube.

Please keep the prayers going for this precious little baby & his family!

1 comment:

Lois said...

Jeff and I are still praying for your family. We love you all very much and are believing with you for a total and complete healing.