Thursday, October 29, 2009

1 Year Ago...

It was 1 year ago today that I got the most devastating call of my life thus far. It was my mom calling, but she was crying so hard I couldn't undertand what she was trying to tell me. Finally, David's mom, Kathy, got on the phone & I found out my baby sister, Jennifer, had gone into cardiac arrest as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident 11 days earlier & was on complete life support. I can't even begin to describe the feelings & emotions of that day.

It was also my sister's husband's 25th birthday that day. There was nothing happy about his 25th birthday.

Today, a year later, Jennifer is still recovering from the brain damage which was a result of the cardiac arrest, brain damage that was so severe the drs didn't think she'd recover from it. She's come a long way in the last year, but still requires 24 hour assistance with everything. Her husband, David, who is celebrating his 26th birthday today, has taken care of her every need without ever complaining. He's a true hero in my book! He & Jennifer are inspirations to everyone.

Today we are not only celebrating David's birthday & life, but also the gift God gave back to us a year ago, Jennifer.

"Where there is great love, there are always miracles." -- Willa Cather
Jennifer's miracle began a year ago not only because of the great love of her friends & family, but also because of the great love she & David have in our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. It's this great love & faith that helped get all of us through the past year. Thank you for being there with us, helping, supporting, & praying with us. Thank you for being a part of Jennifer's miracle.


1 comment:

Vanessa Phoenix said...

Jesus is good , I happy to read this good news and I know God will do much more. All I have in my mind is a picture of a great friend,lovely a huge servant of our Almighty God that I made i Brazil.
We will always be praying and pressing to a completly recover.
Be blessed